Licensed recruiting agents are authorized by the Nepal’s Government to recruit personnel for foreign employment on behalf of overseas employers to procure vacancies. Swift Gurkha International Pvt. Ltd. is a licensed recruiting agent authority by Nepali Government Ministry of Labor. The following duty authenticated/ attested documents have to be submitted for the recruiting procedures by the employer company:

1. A copy of power of attorney duty attested /issued by the foreign employer in flavor the recruiting agent acting on his behalf.
2. A copy of a demand letter from the employer containing details of the vacancy. The demand letter should be specify the type of worker required nature and the number of workers needed, wages/ salary, qualifications experiences and other terms and conditions of the services and benefits offered by the employer.
3. Documents granting permission from the competent authority for employment of workers in the country in question, for instance visa advise, consular letter/ work permit.
4. A specimen copy of an employment contract or service agreement mentioning wage proposed and list of benefits such as accommodation food, medical facilities, leave etc.
Recruitment Permission/ Labour Approval
On receipt of the above mentioned documentation and after routing verification, the department of labor will grant permission to proceed with the recruitment after being satisfied with the credibility of the demand and confirm that the terms and conditions offered are in conformity with government rules and regulations.
Selection of Candidates
Upon receipt of recruitment permission from the department of labor, the recruitment agency publishes an advertisement on the press and the applications collected following the advertisement are there by scrutinized for short listing as per the requirements of the employer, if so advised to or are kept for the interview process and final selection by the employer’s interview.
The employer of his representative then carry out an interview and final selection of candidates for which the recruiting agency provides all necessary assistance and logistics.
Medical Examination
Candidates that are ultimately selected have to undergo a medical examination in an authorized hospital/clinic. Only candidates specified as being physically fit for foreign employment are eligible to sign an employment contract.
Department Formalities
1. Passport:
The recruiting agency assists the selected candidates in obtaining their passports with in short notice.
2. Visa:
The recruiting agent arranges the visa as the stamping of visa on the passport of selected candidates with the co-operation of the employer.
3. Ticketing and immigration clearance:
The employers are required to send PTA of the selected candidates. The employer may remit necessary expenses in favor of the recruiting agency to facilitate of the selected candidates. The recruiting agent to the other have obtains necessary immigration clearance from the department of labor and completes all formalities for departure.
4. Orientation Prior Departure:
The recruiting agency provides basic orientation to selected workers prior departure. During the orientation, the candidates are informed about their duties responsibilities while at work abroad and first hand information regarding the working environment and the relevant outlines of the labor laws of the employment in provided.